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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload a JPEG, PDF, or PING of your logo for us to use for the Platinum Sponsor Level or if you donate more than $1000+ to the event.
Silver Sponsor: $250 Name will be on event t-shirts, social media, website, horseshoe on our horseshoe wall, and marketing materials till the end of the year. Gold Sponsor: $500 Name will be on event t-shirts, social media, website, horseshoe on our horseshoe wall, marketing materials and the event banner till the end of the year. Platinum Sponsor: $1000+ Most prominent name/logo will be on event t-shirts, social media, website, horseshoe on our horseshoe wall, marketing materials and the event banner till the end of the year.
If you donate $1000+ and want your name or logo to be used please be sure to upload it above.